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Primary PE And Sport Premium

Welcome to THS PE!

Begin with a perfect THS egg. It is whole, and it has something wonderful inside it…

Our ‘Flying Start, Contagious and Courageous’ PE curriculum enables our BIRDS to soar high in life - feeling the wind beneath their wings as they delve deep into a variety of exciting sports and activities.

We use the acronym HAWKS to encourage our BIRDS to be; Healthy, Active, Willing, Knowledgeable
& Safe. Our intent is to nurture positive relationships with movement and physical activity
throughout life. Physical Literacy is at the heart of everything we do and we take pride in our
achievements in and out of school!

Mark Lambert - Head of PE

THS Primary School Allocation:

For the current academic year 2024-245, we will receive £19,400.

Our Initial Plans For The Use Of The Sports Premium Funding Include (2024-25):

  • Continuing membership of the Insignis Sports Partnership (who provide competitions, festivals and staff development training).

  • Develop strong sporting links with local Primary schools to enhance provision for
    meaningful sporting activities.

  • Continuing to improve and increase the opportunities for physical activity throughout the day (active Swoops to engage children at play times).

  • Encouraging staff to work with specialist PE teacher to build confidence in planning and teaching quality PE lessons.

  • Enhance extra-curricular provision with new morning and after-school sports clubs.

  • Developing links -promoting local sports clubs to encourage children to get active in our local community and celebrating/displaying achievements.

  • Developing Sports Leader roles within school.

  • Inspiring children by inviting Olympic/Professional athletes/sports people into school to run assemblies and workshops.

  • Investing in quality equipment to enhance lessons/clubs and provide a broad range of exciting sports for all to try.

  • Organising sports events to encourage our local community to become actively involved in sport (Sports Days etc).

Monitoring Impact Of Our Spending:

As a school, we are required to monitor the impact of our sport premium spending. We will continually monitor and assess the impact of our spending through student, parent and staff interviews/discussions.

Our PE team will monitor children’s participation in lessons/clubs and inter-school events in order to target clubs/lessons/events to engage all children. Our PE team will liaise with the staff to discuss professional development in all areas of our PE curriculum and develop team-teaching opportunities to ensure teachers are competent and confident to deliver high-quality PE lessons.

Our Sports Governor will meet regularly with the PE lead to ensure the Sport Premium money is used in the best way to promote physical activity and sport across the school, ensuring that all future THS BIRDS can spread their wings and soar!