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School Counsellor (Abi Manly)

Counselling & Children’s Nurture

At THS we understand that Mental Health and Wellbeing are essential for a pupil to obtain the most from their school experience in terms of learning and social engagement. We strive to highlight the importance of mental health and wellbeing, not only with staff and parents, but with the pupils so that they can begin to really understand the value of taking care of themselves and encouraging a sense of autonomy and empowerment.

 As the full time school Therapist and Mental Health Lead, I am an emotionally available adult for the pupils and deliver individual counselling and therapy, well-being interventions and group work. I am available for guidance in all aspects of mental health and well-being within the school.

 We run regular nurture groups in order to lay the foundations for healthy relationships and to encourage a positive response to the subject of feelings and emotions, resilience, confidence and seeking resolution.

 Another element of support within part of the pastoral team, we are trained to deliver Lego Therapy as a specific intervention for those pupils who may benefit from social development skills work.

Parent’s Workshops

It is important that we work to build an effective working alliance with the parents and caregivers of our pupils and I have delivered parent workshops on our Hand on Heart initiative. This is an opportunity for our parents to feel involved and really understand what is at the heart of our trauma informed school approach.


I also run the Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme)  an 8 week course that aims to support parents in all aspects of parenting including tailored, individual sessions. The course runs every half term.